Nine tailors make a man In english explanation

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the idiom/phrase "nine tailors make a man", English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Vietnamese )

author Zesty Y calendar 2022-10-17 05:10

Meaning of Nine tailors make a man

Nine tailors make a man proverb phrase

Said after the practice of ringing bells nine times at the church to indicate that a deceased person is a man.

Every time the bell rings nine times I feel a bit sad because I know nine tailors make a man.

A: How can you know the deceased person's sex just by hearing the bell rung? B: Nine tailors make a man!

Used to mock a tailor as weak and ineffectual compared with a typical man.

I think that tailor can't beat him as nine tailors make a man.

Don't worry! John is just a tailor, and nine tailors make a man!

A person who looks attractive and stylish buys his or her clothes from various sources.

You should choose clothes from different stores as nine tailors make a man.

Other phrases about:

Chinless wonder

A very offensive term used to describe an upper-class British man who is stupid or inexperienced

King Grod

Used to refer to a man who is very unpleasant

Dead white European male

A critical phrase refers to a dead, white man having an unjustified reputation.

drain the dragon

Piddle or pee

hung like a bull

(Of a man) Having a large penis

Origin of Nine tailors make a man

The origin of this proverb is not clear.


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