Blind Luck phrase
Something favorable happened unexpectedly or by fortunate chance with no skill involved.
You can't just expect to pass the exam by blind luck. Get up and study!
That guy has no skill at all. He just won by blind luck.
I won the lottery by blind luck yesterday.
If you take a flyer (on something), you take a chance, risk, or gamble on it.
If a person has the devil's own luck, he or she has extremely good luck.
The last opportunity for one to achieve something
A second opportunity
The phrase is likely to be originated from the Greek goddess Tyche. As the goddess of luck, she had the ability to cause favorable or destructive events on people at random. In iconography, Tyche was sometimes described as wearing a blindfold, sprinkling blessings randomly. Therefore, those who received any blessings from her were receiving them by blind luck.