That's the rub In english explanation

The meaning, explanation, definition and origin of the idiom/phrase "that's the rub", English Idiom Dictionary ( also found in Vietnamese )

author Tommy Tran calendar 2022-09-12 07:09

Meaning of That's the rub


there's the rub , here's the rub

That's the rub phrase

That is the biggest or most difficult problem (with the situation being discussed)

A: "Why don't you buy something to eat, man?" B: "That's the rub! I don't have any money left."

A: "You really should get your life together!" B: "That's the rub, man! I don't know what to do right now."

Other phrases about:

it makes no odds
It does not matter; it is not important.
a hair in the butter

A problem or difficult circumstance

have a (heavy) cross to bear

To have to accept some troubles or worries that must be handled by oneself

bring something in its train
To cause something to happen, often a problem or issue
a firm hand on the tiller

Completely controlling over a scenario or situation.

Origin of That's the rub

"Hamlet." (Image Source: AllenCheng)

This is a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet:

"To die — to sleep.
To sleep — perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause."


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